'This Moka, a younger brother to Rewa and Te Wharerahi, is in my opinion, a daring, impudent, self-willed savage of considerable influence in the way of mischief...'

Filming re-enactments
As the first-draft manuscript of this historical novel is envisaged to be completed by July this year, we are planning to begin filming re-enactment scenes for use in the interactive ebook and accompanying documentary.
Filming will be done in both New Zealand and Sydney, and will begin in mid-April this year, continuing on mid-way through 2019.
Details of scenes, characters, locations and other relevant information will be posted on this page, the blog page and also on the Moka, Muskets & Mayhem! Facebook page.
If you are interested in acting in a certain role, or even as an extra - please email us with your name, age, a photo of yourself and nominate which character or role you'd like to play.

Image courtesy of
Re-enactment #1: 7pm-9pm, Saturday, 17th March 2018, Maitland NSW
Our first re-enactment filming will be shot at the above-mentioned date and time. This scene only requires one (1) actor, who has been confirmed for that role. Updates to follow.
Re-enactment #2: Seeking actors to play two roles for shoot at the University of Sydney
We are seeking two male actors to play the following roles (sometime between May-Sept 2018) date TBC:

Baron Charles Philippe deThierry, a young (late 20s-mid 30s) French law student who studied at Queens College, University of Cambridge. *A French accent (natural or rehearsed) would be required.
Professor Samuel Lee, a linguist (late 30s-late 40s) from Queens College, University of Cambridge. *An English accent (natural or rehearsed) would be required.